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I'm Exhibiting!

Yes, for the first time I will be putting my prints on display and up for sale at an excellent local establishment called Designermakers 21.

I am rather nervous, suffering full-on imposter syndrome but hopeful I might make a sale or at least generate some interest or a commission here and there. This really is a dream come true for me.

I became interested in printmaking in 2016 and learnt to screen print. Since then I have dabbled with block printing and lino printing until I settled on monoprinting whilst studying for a craft qualification in Norwich. I find I can lose myself in the blending of inks and love the feeling of anticipation as the plate passes through the press and creates a unique image on the paper.

Let me talk you through my process. Firstly, I start with a sheet of thick acetate or aluminium. I might etch some details to this plate, or mark it in other ways. Then I break out the ink onto a large perspex palette. I use rollers to stretch out the ink and blend colours and then I roller the ink onto the plate. I might use brushes, pieces of card, my fingers, fabric or any other tool imaginable to apply the ink and make marks into it until I'm happy with the image on the plate. Next, I take my plate to the etching press and lay it on the print bed. I take a piece of dampened Fabriano paper or maybe very thin handmade Japanese paper and carefully lay this on top of the plate. Then it's time to wind the handle and cross your fingers! You never quite know what result you are going to get when you peel the paper off the plate but hopefully there is a pleasing printed image of your plate on the sheet of paper and you can go back and reapply the ink, making small changes to the image and pass it through the press again. I love this technique! No one print is the same as the next.

I will be showcasing a series of abstract landscape monoprints that are inspired by the landscapes of Scandinavia at Designermakers 21. They have been professionally mounted and the first editions are framed.

My good husband is making me my very own etching press and building me a garden studio and so I hope to raise some funds towards this so I can continue my work. I already have ideas for future themes eg. Norfolk skyscapes and I have been on a breathtaking trip trip to Iceland with my camera and can't wait to capture the ice and snow, steamy water and mountains in ink.

If you can, please pop along between May and July to Designermakers 21, 21 St Nicholas Street, Diss, Norfolk IP22 4LB. My work will be upstairs to view or purchase Thursday to Saturdays, 10am-5pm. If you can't make it but are interested in purchasing a piece, please get in touch here or email

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